Saturday, October 4, 2014

"This Ain't Hell" Blog-Website Filled with Vulgar Untruths

"This Ain't Hell" Website Blog - Vulgar Untruths - Those Who Claim to be Honorable Anxiously Berate the Real Honorable Men

Check out the "This Ain't Hell" website-blog owned and operated by John Lilyea and visited by miscreants from all over the country who pleasure themselves by causing harm to honorable veterans when they, themselves are the men of dishonor.

I will be back to tell you more about them and to post a photo of Mr. Lilyea who is a obviously a lonely, sick individual, just like the other individuals who comment on his website because they have nothing else to do with their miserable lives but sit at their computer all day long and make themselves feel like big shots by defaming veterans and destroying the lives of innocent men.


There are several blogs out there on the internet aimed at ruining the lives of those veterans who served their country proudly and honorably.  "This Ain't Hell" is one of the most prominent.  It's contributors, or should I say "haters" have nothing valuable to do with their time than to berate, dishonor, and do whatever they can to ruin the lives of veterans.  They HIDE behind the First Amendment Freedom of Speech clause in their vulgar attempt to convince their readers that they are the "saviors of honor".

These people have even been referred to as "grave robbers".  They read obituaries and when they find one about a serviceman that has passed away, they check the deceased's name and whether the obit states his military service and any awards he had received.  They then, using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), check the deceased's military background.  If they find that the records do not match what is stated in the obituary, they post him on their Stolen Valor website as a phony and an embellisher of his military service.  HOW SICK CAN ONE GET!!

The have greeted people on the street after noticing a license plate that may have a Bronze Star or Purple Heart on the plate.  They engage them in conversation about their military service and soon find out his name.  Then they do the same as stated above....they check his military records via the FOIA and again, if the award on the license plate is not reflected in his records, they post him as a phony/embellisher.


Military Records Departments are NOTORIOUS for their mistakes, errors and omissions and maintenance of incomplete and inaccurate records....particularly from past wars when computers were not used and shoddy (a mild word) record keeping was done by clerks on manual typewriters; documents were destroyed and/or lost; documents never made it from one place to another, and many other similar circumstances.

Take some time and go onto one of these website blogs...This Ain't Hell for example.  You will not be able to wrap your mind around what your eyes see.  The miscreants on this site and others are lower than low.  The filth they spew toward their fellow man is sickening.  These are supposedly ADULT men and women (yes women, some of which you would never want to take home to meet mom for sure), yet they speak and act like little children with no common sense.  In fact, many children have more common sense than these miscreants do.  They have no idle time because they spend all their time going from one site to another in order to degrade as many veterans as possible.  They laugh among each other at how they attempt to out do one another in how much more vulgar and creative they can be in their filthy remarks.

The laws of this land need to be FIXED in order to rid the good, honorable people from these miscreants.
The FOIA needs to be changed to not allow anyone (other than the veteran or his family) to access ANY PORTION OF A VETERAN'S SERVICE RECORD.  That is personal information and should be provided strictly on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS.  How and why does the legal departments of the military branches allow this to go on?  Veterans who are now civilians have attempted to shut these horror mongers down but the courts simply will not listen.  The legal departments of the military should determine who these people are and let them know how they dishonor themselves and the entire military.  The military should prosecute them!

If you are a veteran, stay away from these websites and blogs.  If you join into one of them, you had better be very careful about ANYTHING you say.  The jerks on these sites will use any opportunity that arises to attack you.  They will SPIN whatever you say around to make you appear to be a liar.  Whatever you say or write to them, they change the words and leave out specific terms that change the entire meaning of what you say.  They are relentless.  They are a disgrace to themselves, to their military service, and to this country.

This kind of behavior is not what one is taught while in the military.  MOST servicemen have a sense of honor and a code that they live by.  Unfortunately, that did not sink into the heads of these types of individuals.

DISHONOR lurks among supposed HONORABLE men!

P.S.  The Stolen Valor Act that these miscreants hang their hat on has been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.  These people who go after others that THEY THEMSELVES deem to be stealing honor have NO GROUND TO STAND ON!  They are DEFAMERS and should be prosecuted for Defamation/Libel by every single individual that they attack.  Maybe then, the courts will listen and shut them down.

You may take this lightly, but you will not ignore it if you ever become one of their targets.

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